#BuyBuloke #StrongerTogether
Cafes & Restaurants
Kaneira Hotel - Culgoa
24 Main Street Culgoa
HOURS: Sun - Fri 4pm till late Sat 12pm till late
PH: 03 5077 2330
E: kaneirahotel@optusnet.com.au
Kaneira Hotel has Accommodation Bar and Bistro
Nandaly Community Hotel
1-3 Messines Street, Nandaly
PH: 03 5078 1231
E: nandalyhotel@gmail.com
A community driven hotel, with the aim to regain a town hub, meeting place and social outlet for not just Nandaly, but all surrounding townships.
Golden Crown Hotel - Berriwillock
Watchem Hotel
Not currently trading, will re-open in the new year.
28 Camp Street Watchem
PH: 03 5409 7700
E: watchemhotel@gmail.com
The Watchem Hotel Est 1893 is a true country hotel operating in a small community and really giving you that country feel. They offer genuine home cooked country meals and cold drinks to complement their country hospitality.
Culgoa Community Store
6 Main Street
HOURS: Mon - Fri 8.30am-5pm
Sat - Sun 8.30am-12pm
PH: 03 5077 2211
E: culgoastore@bigpond.com
Culgoa Community Store is the hub of the small town of Culgoa in Victoria's Mallee. The Store is owned and run by the community for the community.
Nullawil General Store
30 Calder Highway, Nullawil
HOURS: Mon -Thur 7am - 9pm
Fri7am - 8pm Sat7am - 10pm
Sun 9am - 7pm
PH: 0447 234 285
E: nullawilgeneralstore@hotmail.com
We are a small business situated in Northern Victoria on the Calder Highway.
Watchem General Store and Post Office
40 Camp Street
HOURS: Mon-Fri: 9am - 2pm
Not trading weekends or Public Holidays
PH: 03 5498 1207
Berriwillock Post Office
61 Taverner Street, Berriwillock
HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
PH: 03 55079 2241
Culgoa Motors
Hooper Court
HOURS: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5.30pm
PH: 03 5077 2295
E: culgoamotors@bigpond.com
Local Elgas distributor
Nullawil Motors
Calder Highway
HOURS: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5pm
PH: 03 5493 5210
E: nullymtr@activ8.net.au
Local Elgas distributor
No Current Listings
Kaneira Hotel – Culgoa
24 Main Street Culgoa
HOURS: Sun - Fri 4pm till late Sat 12pm till late
PH: 03 5077 2330
E: kaneirahotel@optusnet.com.au
Kaneira Hotel has Accommodation Bar and Bistro
Access Grain Services
Access Grain has sites at Nullawil, Berriwillock and Lalbert. 42 Calder Highway, Nullawil
PH: 03 5493 5333
M: 0428 935 310
E: admin@accessgrain.com.au
Access Grain specialises in a range of services including;
Bagged wheat, barley and oats
Lamb and cattle mixes
Grain cleaning
Grain cracking
Grain storage- field peas, chick peas, barley, wheat, lentils and canola.
Nandaly Grain Co-Op
Graincorp - Berriwillock
Anderson Avenue, Berriwillock
PH: Brad Nolan - 0429 653 048
Swan Hill Area Manager
John Appleby - 0427 158 847
E: jappleby@graincorp.com.au
Emerald Grain
Nullawil Storage and Handling Facility
Receives all major cereals, pulses and oilseeds including wheat, barley and canola.
Contact Details:
Site Manager: Jordan Matthews
PH: 03 5493 5359
M: 0448 681 809
Fax: 03 5493 5346
UHF Radio: Channel 8
North West Ag - Nullawil
No Current Listings
Calder Hwy Berriwillock
PH: 03 5079 2350
Kilgarrin Performance Horses -Jeffcott North
2236 Borung Hwy, Jeffcott North,
HOURS: Mon - Sat
PH: 0416 937 609
E: devon.e.bennett@gmail.com
Professional horse trainer, coach, and equestrian facility. Stallion at stud, Defying Physics.
Riordan Fuels
1 Bishop St Nandaly (UNMANNED)